


photos + post by amy nadine, graphic design by eunice chun

Here’s the 411 on mascara residue. To apply mascara properly on the upper lashes, you have to really get in there and wiggle the wand at the roots of the lash line, but that’s hard to do without getting it on the water line. So I’m making a case to go back and clean up the mascara left on the inner rim. Why? Because it seeps into your eyes and irritates them throughout the day, causing redness. Not pretty. So why not take the few seconds to clean it up? Here’s how:

After applying mascara, rim your inner waterline with a Q-tip by starting at either corner and sweeping the cotton swab across the eye gently to the other corner.

There is never a day that goes by that I skip this quick step. You can go back after and add eyeliner to the waterline if you wish, but mascara doesn’t belong in there {your eyes will thank you!}.

By the way, in case you’re wondering, this is the eyeliner in the pics above!