


photo: feline-fangs.tumblr.com post designed by amy nadine

As a make-up artist, I always joke to my clients that I’m a beautician, not a magician (even though I like to pretend I am)! But unfortunately, I can only do so much… So before I can even begin to attempt any magic, I need a hydrated surface for the make-up to become one with, not a dry/flaky/irritated canvas that the make-up is going to sit on top of. Since I can’t go home with all of you to make sure that you wash your faces every night and apply night creams, I can make sure you know about one of the best secrets in my kit: Hyaluronic Acid. Sounds a little scary with the acid part, even though there’s nothing acidic-feeling about it! It is, hands-down, the most incredible INSTANT hydration available and will become your very best friend.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is actually created in the body and can be found in almost every single cell. The molecule binds to water and lubricates the body, like oil in a car. Unfortunately though, its half-life is between 1-3 days before it is broken down and excreted. Luckily for us, there are many scientists and lab technicians who have bottled 100% HA for us to apply topically to our skin.  Best. News. Ever!!  You will die when you see how instantly your skin is hydrated. No matter what you did or didn’t do to treat your skin the night before, if you drank alcohol or caffeine, were on a 14-hour flight, etc, two drops of HA on clean skin and you’re moisturized back to as if you just left your facialist.

Now that I’ve introduced you to the ingredient, you’ll find that almost every skin care line, and even most makeup lines, offers a version of it.  100% HA is preferred and I promise you’ll find it everywhere once you ask a sales person. Apply it all over your face and neck, wait three minutes or so then apply foundation.  If you are a primer user, apply HA before the primer, waiting a few minutes for it to completely soak in. Now your skin is ready for you to create a little magic too!

XO Amy Nadine