


photo by kristin ess, graphic design by eunice chun, post by amy nadine

A couple months ago you got to know our lovely Kristin Ess, who creates all the hair + nail tutorials, when she popped out to say hello here! I’ve been meaning to as well but you know how things go… anyway, here I am! I’m Amy Nadine and the other half of The Beauty Department. I create all of the makeup tutorials and have so much fun doing every single one of them that I have to pinch myself. I love teaching as much as I love makeup, so co-founding our little blog has been heaven for me. I grew up in a political family just outside of Washington DC and loved public service, but mostly loved studying the many different faces that greeted me when we campaigned door to door. I think faces are the most fascinating and inspiring creations in this world, with all the different eye shapes, lip sizes, skin tones, freckles, noses, cheekbones and expressions… I could go on and on but having faces as canvases for me is what keeps me so in love with what I do! And why I’m obsessed with bringing out each person’s unique features with a light hand and not creating a mask with a heavy hand. When thinking of new tutorials for you, I read every single email that you write in and try to think of fun and new techniques that simplify everything and make it less scary. Or for those of you that are very comfortable with makeup, I try to create pretty looks that will inspire you to change things up a bit every now and then. And I love reading your comments and feedback! It’s truly been an amazing journey so far!