


photo: kristin ess + thebeautydepartment.com  post designed by kristin ess

Today’s hair post is quite simple but a very valuable one, nonetheless. It’s pretty safe to say that “over styling” is the number one hair crime in my book and we should all know what to do when we’ve simply taken curling or flat ironing too far. Let’s say you’re styling your hair with the curling iron, curling wand or the flat iron, and you get to a point where it just won’t do what you’re wanting it to. STOP. PLEASE. Don’t keep going! It is vital at this point to put some moisture back inside the hair before you go at it again. When you curl or flat iron, that steam that comes out is the hair’s internal moisture. You’re sucking it dry when you go over it repeatedly. You must put moisture back in there in order for it to cooperate! You can’t curl hay!! Grab a water bottle and lightly mist the area that won’t cooperate. Don’t soak it, just misting it is fine. Let it air dry and then come back to it. It’s like getting a second chance! This actually changed my hair game and I hope it helps with yours!

P.S: The Evian bottle in the image above is the one I always use because it has a really fine, even mist. A regular spray bottle works just fine as long as the spray isn’t too heavy.